As we age, our needs change. Physically, emotionally, and mentally we are needing different things to satiate us. What most often gets overlooked is that nutritionally our needs change as well.
As we age, our resting metabolic rate declines, which can lead to weight gain and increase your risk for chronic illnesses. At the same time, we are losing lean muscle mass. So what can you do to decrease this?
Harvard Medical School cites these recommendations
For some, this may be a big lifestyle change, but small steps lead to great rewards. Start by walking around the block once a day, or add a vegetable to one meal a day.
Need assistance with meal planning, cooking or other activities daily living?
Perfect Solutions for Seniors is the premier provider in Sarasota, Collier, Lee, and Charlotte counties. We provide free in-home consultations to fully understand what your needs and concerns are. We are family and privately owned. We know family because that is who we are!
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