Peripheral Neuropathy is a nerve disorder causing numbness stemming from your peripheral nerves. This could cause numbness or weakness usually in arms and feet. PN is separated into two different categories.
Common symptoms of sensory neuropathy include:
• Tingling.
• Numbness, especially in the hands and feet.
• Changes in sensation — Some people feel severe pain, especially at night, and some are unable to feel pain, pressure, temperature, or touch.
• Loss of coordination.
• Loss of reflexes.
• Burning sensation.
• Feeling that you are wearing socks or gloves when you are not.
Common symptoms of motor Neuropathy include:
• Muscle weakness.
• Difficulty walking or moving your arms or legs.
• Muscle twitching.
• Cramps.
• Spasms.
• Loss of muscle control.
• Loss of muscle tone.
• Loss of dexterity.
• Falling.
• Inability to move a part of the body.
PN could impact walking and other abilities that may affect your quality of life. If you or someone you know needs assistance in your home with activities of daily living, personal care or travel to Dr. appointments, call us!
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